Registration Is Open!
Hello! Registration is a two-fold process. We don’t actually consider anyone registered unless they have both paid their registration fee and come to an info-session or met with an organizer in person. We only do this to be certain of an individual’s dedication to taking part in this ride. It is a fundraiser, and we […]
PIC Newsletter
Nola to Angola is excited to announce a series of educational events leading up to the October ride! We will have a film series the first week of every month and a reading discussion group the third week of every month. All topics will relate to the prison industrial complex: its history, struggles & opposition, & the […]
NOLAW in the House!!!!
NOLA to Angola is excited to be the beneficiary of NO LAW‘s (New Orleans’ Ladies Arm Wrestling) June 1st brawl! Please come out to support us, raise awareness about the prison industrial complex, and watch some serious (& less serious) arm wrestling. Saturday, June 1st, 8PM at One Eyed Jacks!
Wrongfully Imprisoned
Calvin Duncan spoke to us last year right at the beginning of the Nola to Angola ride in New Orleans, he was wrongfully incarcerated at Angola for 28 years and is now trying to raise money to repair a house that was given to him. He’s amazing and the place is going to be so […]
Benefit Show!
https://www.facebook.com/events/357227594388526/?notif_t=plan_user_invited Please join us for our first fundraiser for this year’s trip. Sunday, April 21st at 1PM Violent Sects Bitchface and Adults will be playng at 2658 Bayou Road in New Orleans. $3-5 suggested donation.
NOLA To Angola 2013 Update and Benefit Show!
The 2013 NOLA To Angola bike ride will be taking place over the third weekend in October.  That’s October 18th-20th. How can you help us prepare for that while having one hell of a good time you ask?  I’m so glad you asked that question, because we are having a benefit show (tentatively) on the 21st […]
Spring Cleaning? I Know Where You Can Send Those CDs!
This is not bus related, but no less important. If you have CDs you are planning on getting rid of, please consider donating them to WWOZ this week. They’ll get them to the Louisiana State Prison radio station AKA “Angola” where they will be played by the inmate DJs over the airwaves. Help give them a […]
Nearly $14,000!
The 2012 NOLA To Angola ride raised just under $14,000 for the Cornerstone Bus Project! Â (http://www.ccano.org/programs/social-justice/)This was thanks to the hard work of every rider to get pledges early, follow up with their friends and family, and the generosity of those who gave their time, money, energy, support, and love to people they don’t even […]
2 more info Sessions! September 27, 2012
We are still looking for riders! We’ve scheduled 2 new info sessions for September 27. Â They will be held: 6 p.m. at Monroe Library, Seminar Room 4 at Loyola University 7:30 p.m. at Flora Gallery and Coffee Shop 2600 Royal Street (corner of Royal and Franklin). Nola to Angola is a little short on riders […]

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